Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Entering the 46th year

I've been blessed to be alive and well and entering my 46th year today. I have a lot to be thankful for in spite of the day to day challenges that come up now and then. For this year, I resolve to do a lot more enjoyable and memorable gaming.


  1. ...and to maintain a good 16 year record of evading the Sandmen. ;)

  2. @timeshadows and bill - many thanks! :)
    @ malcadon - indeed. Still have not found Sanctuary. :)

  3. Happy Belated! Also, this would seem to put you into OD&D land. No? Or are you more of a B/X person?

  4. Blogger seems to have eaten up some posts last week. Ze bullette asked me if I caught OD&D on account of my age. My reply is not really. I came into the game in the 80s and the first ruleset we really played with was AD&D. Used that ruleset till about 1988 and skipped the 2nd Ed altogether.
